[NTLK] new fan on the list

From: samuel desseaux (sdesseaux_at_free.fr)
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 14:39:27 PST


I'm happy to be on this list. Thanks to my great friend (Jean-Loup Thirie=
i've discovered a wonderful machine. It's very amazing! I've never seen s=
beautiful and powerful machine like that, which has many advantages and=20
caracteristics that i've never seen on others PDA.

So, my dream would to have this machine (the newton 2000 would be avery =
gift for me) and, making some development (moreover, as i am linux develo=
it can interest me very much);

Therefore, if someone sell his newton or if you have some adresses, where=
could find newton, i would be grateful to you.


sam (from france)

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