Re: [NTLK] Special treatment for newbies

From: Dylan Stewart (
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 10:39:09 PST

On 26.3.03 at 01:31:07 PST, Joel M. Sciamma wrote:
> Jim,
> > Another possibility would be to use macros to make answering
> > newbie questions easier.
> That's a good idea - would we draw the text for the macros from a common
> source like the FAQ or do we pick the best answers from the list?
> Do we all end up replying with the same boilerplate text so the poor
> questioner gets 15 identical replies!

That's exactly my problem with the macro idea. Well, that and the size that
it would have to be to answer all of the FAQ.

I like the searchable FAQ idea. Make a page just for common questions
regarding hardware and where to get started with software. No info about
the internals of the Newton (either hardware or software), nor about
NewtonScript except pointers to where the info _is_ located. That should
keep it pretty lean.

Perhaps some sort of Windows style troubleshooter would be good. Ask a few
questions and branch based on the results. If the responses don't add up to
one of the preprogrammed answers, then just go to a page saying that the
question should be asked on NewtonTalk.

> Perhaps a rotating schedule for answering newbie questions from among the
> list members who would handle it for a week then pass it on to another
> volunteer.

That is a good idea, but while you're at it, why not have the volunteer
answer the questions himself/herself instead of as a script? It requires
more thought on the part of the volunteer, but it becomes much less

> Joel.

 Dylan Stewart AC5ZH

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