From: Bog Rat (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 09:44:24 PST
My Newton is used for playing games primarily, occasionally I venture
to put a contact on it, but invariably, as discussed early I spend my
time on ridiculously stupid games (yet wonderful). Having strived for
years I recently completed the following
>Knight Run - pure luck
>Tic Tac Toe (noughts and crosses) - well a friend of mine on the bus
told me "It's always a draw when you go in the middle", so he showed me
how to beat it, first time. The issue of this was discussed a little a
few days ago- AI on the newt
>Snake 2.6, current high score 13000, never got onto level eight
though, has anyone??
Oh, sometimes I write things on it too, wonderful handwriting
recognition, it even reads my illegible scrawl!
On Thursday, March 27, 2003, at 02:49 pm, Matt Mendelow wrote:
> Good Morning -
> Newbie here again. At the risk of raising the ire of those tired of
> answering newbie questions, I'll ask one more. Never having had a
> Newton
> until now, I am curious as to the ways some of you use your Newton in
> your daily routine. Any and all insight would be most appreciated.
> Cheers -
> Matt
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