Re: [NTLK] CF card and adaptor

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sun Mar 30 2003 - 14:03:36 PST

Il me semble que le 30/3/03 à 12:49 -0500, Eric L. Strobel nous racontait:
>It's not that the code is too big and complex, but rather that MPW is
>ancient and so poses a significant problem for running in the Classic
>environment. I suspect that if things could be converted over to gcc, the
>turnaround times would drastically improve.

Yes and no.
The big problem is indeed Classic and the way it emulates MPW calls
as I tried to stress it. But gcc wouldn't really be a good choice if
it were possible (there are plenty of reasons including different
runtime architecture and symbols mangling, different binary files
format, etc.). It generates worse code than Norcroft compilers, even
if it supports modern C++ (like Templates) unlike the version of
Norcroft compilers we have.


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