Re: [NTLK] New Apple Mini-Tablet Enclosure

From: Oliver Brose (
Date: Sun Mar 30 2003 - 22:27:26 PST

Well... iBelieve it when iSee it.
If it, hopefully, is *not* just a home-portable screen for a
stationary Mac, which would be stupid, stupid, stupid, I will
probably say something along the lines of "iLike it". If they manage
to make it well this will most possibly change to "iBuy it". 8,4"
screen sounds okay, that is considerably more than what the Newton
offers, certainly using a higher resolution, while still small enough
not to be an X,x-pound monstrosity, as some products of some
unmentioned companies. I want it truely portable, luggable found rest
on my desk in iBook shape. Could be very nice, if the OS is right,
and someone spent some time thinking about the GUI.

Wait and see, but I'm exited!

Oliver :)

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