Re: [NTLK] Battery Behavior Problem

From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 00:12:24 PST

I would recommend you to buy 4 AA NiMh cells with at least 1500mAh and use
them instead the battery pack.
If you put a little peace of lastic on the bottom of your Newt between the
cells where the switch is located in order to depress the switch when the
cells are in, you can even charge the cells inside the Newt.

One hint: take care about the contacts between the Newt and the charging
station. It is a good idea to clean them from time to time.


> -----Original Message-----
> []On Behalf Of kwshoes
> Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 7:33 PM
> Subject: [NTLK] Battery Behavior Problem

> I have an MP120, a Charging Station H0087, and two H0088 Newton
> Rechargeabl=
> e
> Battery packs.

> I've never been able to get the Battery packs to work in the MP120. I've
> tried some of the battery reconditiong ideas I found here.

> I can put the Battery Pack into the Charging Station and it will
> (apparently) charge, that is, the light on the Charging Station starts out
> yellow and eventually turns green. I don't have a multimeter to verify a
> charge.

> The pack will not, however, charge when in the MP120.

> After giving a full charge in the Charging Station, I can put it into the
> MP120 and it will work for about 10 minutes then quit.

> I know that I'm overlooking something, some bit of information that will
> allow the Battery Packs to work or else establish that they are no longer
> any good.

> I would appreciate whatever advice you may have.

> (You guys are like a cult, but you are incredibly bright and lots
> of fun to
> read.


> Bob Kelly

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