Re: [NTLK] iPod mutates - and a question

From: Brian Pearce (
Date: Thu May 01 2003 - 09:32:22 PDT

> I'll use this OT tangent to ask a question of other iPod users: What
> is the largest/longest single file you have tried to listen to on your
> iPod.
> I purchased the unabridged version of "The Influence of Seapower on
> History" which
> is a 140M file (38 hours and 33 minutes.) My iPod won't play it.

Wow. (Don't they break these things up into chapters?!) The longest MP3
file I ever played was an episode of the DOCTOR WHO serial "The Daleks
Master Plan," which would have been around 25 minutes. I remember at
the time there was a bug in the player (there still may be, for all I
know) that made it difficult to play longer files; they'd get stuck
midway through and default to the beginning, or something like that.


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