Re: [NTLK] [Escale] Groups, Companies & Labels

From: Martin Joseph (
Date: Sat May 03 2003 - 11:42:45 PDT

On Saturday, May 3, 2003, at 06:58 AM, Paul Guyot wrote:
> - we can synchronize Newton groups as OS X groups. After all, they're
> very similar in the way the data is *stored*.
> - we can synchronize Newton labels as OS X groups. They're very
> similar in the way the data is *displayed*.
> - we can synchronize Newton companies as OS X persons. Trouble is
> that a Newton company shall be sorted under its name but it can have
> as many affiliates as we want.
> - we can synchronize Newton companies as OS X persons and OS X group:
> * the company would be a person filed into a group
> * affiliates would be persons filed into the same group
> Finally, we can do a mix of the above.
> What do you think?
I think it's better to produce too many entries then too few...

What about talking to John Anderson? Seems like he must have dealt with
this also in NewtSync?
> The best is that you decide since it really depends on the way we use
> companies. Personnally, not many Newton companies have affiliates but
> I need the address or the phone number of those companies. Plus I
> don't use Newton groups at all and labels are very important for
> sorting items.

I see this is very complex.
> There is no real limit. Both the Newton and the Mac accepts hidden
> custom meta-data. We can use this custom meta-data to identify
> special items, like distinguishing OS X groups that are labels on the
> Newton and OS X groups that are groups on the Newton. We can also set
> preferences to adapt to some profiles if we agree on two or three
> profiles of importation.

Sorry I'm not more helpful...

I do use the OSX address book, but only since I used NewtSync, which
made it into a backup of my Newt!

Keep up the incredible work!

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