From: Winston MacKelvie (
Date: Sun May 11 2003 - 12:31:14 PDT
Hi folks,
I recently received a 2100 from J&K Sales which was listed as used,=20
marked, and with no covers etc. It works fine and I transferred the=20
necessaries from my 2000. However the screen was badly and noticeably=20
marked with a weird regular pattern of small circles in a row and there=20=
were other more irregular wear areas. The stylus didn't like to ride=20
over these blemishes. Under a microscope I could see that the surface=20
damage at those locations appeared as numerous mini scratches. So I=20
took a white candle (un-lit) and rubbed the wax hard into the areas=20
affected and rubbed off the excess from screen with tissue paper. Now=20
the blemishes can only be seen from a specific light angle and the pen=20=
runs over then just fine.
Thats my 2=A2's worth.
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