[NTLK] My new NEWTON :)

From: Bernhard Kellerer (berny_at_stratovox.com)
Date: Mon May 12 2003 - 22:58:19 PDT

Dear all,

I am a new list member and would like to take this
opportunity to quickly introduce myself. My name is Berny, I live
in Austria / Europe and run a small film production company.
I bought an eMac a couple of days ago, running MAC OS X Jaguar.
I thought it would be a great idea to get some sort of PDA that
I could use with it (to organise my chaotic life a little bit
more ;-) ). By accident I saw some old Apple Newton commercials
on a German Apple Fan page (this was yesterday) - and I immediately
fell in love with this great device. Discovered it yesterday -
bought one yesterday on eBay ... I like it fast :-)
BTW, it's a messagepad 120.

Now I am looking for a way to connect it to my new eMac. I found
out that there is a piece of software that can do the job (as OS X
doesn't support the Newton directly).


Are there any alternatives you could recommend ? On the hardware side:
How does one connect the Newton to the eMac ? I understand that I may
need a Serial USB adapter, but what about infrared ? There are infrared
adapters, as well, but do they work (running OS X) with Newton ?

One last question: How can one send eMails and Faxes using Newton ?
What kind of additional software / hardware do I need ? Can I use my
mobile phone's in-built modem ?

Allright, I understand that those might be rather "primitive" questions
for all you Newton gurus but hey, I am a "Newton newbie" :-)

Thanks for your help, kind regards &
best wishes from Austria,

Berny 8-)

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