From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Thu May 15 2003 - 17:23:25 PDT
somewhere near the temporal coordinates of 5/15/03 7:10 PM, the entity known
as John M Powell transmitted the following from
> Because I design (well, try to anyway) websites. And generally
> my stats show on average, 75% of the people use IE. Doesn't matter
> whether I like it or not. Code for the masses. I'm not familiar
> with how Mozilla (on it's own) looks. Netscape may be secure, but
> as a browser, it's often reek with bugs. Physically impossible to
> code for every browser out there.
Don't code for the masses, code for the least common denominator (or at
least to the standard). I can pretty safely say that the *only* crashes I
ever have (I'm on Macs running various versions of OS 8 & 9.) are due to
browsers choking and puking because some propellerhead (no offense intended
to present company) decides they just HAVE to code their page up using the
latest trendy doohickey. If I want to see a million pulsing lights, I'll go
to the Strip in Las Vegas or something. Just give me a page that cleanly
and simply presents information. And while we're at it, let's declare Flash
to be a virus and be done with it! Oh, and every web designer that uses
some loud sound that auto-plays when their page loads and you can't find any
'shut up, dammit' button, should be sentenced to one month of solitary
confinement with their stupid WAV playing 24/7 at 80dB !!!
Whew! It felt good to get that off my chest! ;-) Again, I'm certain
present company is excepted from the above rant, because y'all are acutely
aware of using a Newt to access web pages.
{We now return you to your irregularly scheduled off-topic topic, already in
- Eric.
-- Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^ ===================================================================== Political correctness is anti-freedom!!! Speak the truth!!! ===================================================================== -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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