Re: [NTLK] US Copyrights: 3 yrs. exemption for obsolete platforms?

From: Brian Pearce (
Date: Mon Nov 03 2003 - 13:15:36 PST

> ...Now, it appears that Atari games have been totally abondoned by
> their owners, unless someone is trying
> to put them on cellphones and such.

Not necessarily so. During the last several years, Activision and other
companies have released CDs of their old Atari 2600 games, both for PCs
and modern gaming platforms; and there are two self-contained products
(in the form of handheld controllers) that connect to a television and
allow you to play a dozen or so Atari 2600 games.

(I think I can even recall seeing a fully-authorised Intellivision

There were a zillion different companies that produced games for the
Atari 2600 during its' heyday, and there are undoubtedly a few of them
that no longer exist. But some of them may have been purchased by other
companies that are still around, so it's difficult to make broad
assumptions about what's fair game without doing the legwork.


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