Re: [NTLK] Classic Appletalk under Mac OS 10.3? This is wierd!

From: Paul Vaughan (
Date: Mon Nov 24 2003 - 16:32:22 PST

 --- NewtonGuy <> wrote:
> The solution is to connect both with patch cables to
> a powered hub or
> switch. This will show the necessary
> power at the end of the cable the Mac needs to
> realize the cable is
> connected.
> A switch works better than a hub but cost more....

Thanks for the explanation.

I'll get a hub, or a switch, today (price will
probably determine which) and try again.

I too prefer the Mac to let me decide if I want
something on or not. OS 10 seems to be taking more and
more control away from all but expert users.


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