From: Glen Warner (
Date: Wed Oct 08 2003 - 03:36:16 PDT
Martin Joseph <> wrote:
> So if you whore your .mac address around, you'll get spam just like
> other inbox...
Interestingly, I got a bit o' spam from some woman who was trying to
sell me perfume or something. She seemed local (i.e., wasn't trying
to get me to help her move a few million dollars out of her country
or anything), so I e-mailed her and asked her who she was, and why she
was sending me ads for stuff I have absolutely no use for.
She replied that my wife Madeline had ordered several items from her,
and gave my e-mail address.
I told her I'd been divorced for quite some time, and my wife's name
wasn't Madeline.
Haven't heard from her since. :o)
Then there was this Nigerian spammer, who I introduced to "my good
friend UCE" (as in UCE_at_FTC.GOV -- the e-mail address where you
complain about spam) ... but I'll save that tale for another time.
> Marty
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