From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Tue Sep 02 2003 - 07:36:25 PDT
Frank Gruendel wrote:
> I think this is an excellent idea. It would make things both cheaper and
> faster for everybody. But before we start talking about hubs, let's wait
> what the donators decide about whether they want the remainder of the fund
> raising spent that way.
Since we're not talking about hubs :) I will volunteer to be an East Coast
and/or Canadian hub. I already have an old 2MB card that I could use for
this, and I may be able to get another. As well as a 128KB SRAM card.
PS: if people would like to undertake the rescue-card idea as a "special
project" then I can create a separate mailing list for it (similar to what I
did when we were figuring out the t-shirt thing).
> Most of you are probably aware that I don't make (nearly) any money with
> the services I provide, but would all of you out there consider it prudent
> if I put a PayPal link to the NewtonTalk account on this page? Or would
> that look too much like begging? Victor, since NewtonTalk is physically
> your baby, would you think that's ok?
Sorry, I seem to have lost the train of thought here. What page are we
talking about here?
NTLK money (through goes directly to
Bill Shamam, since he's the one who pays the server bills.
-- Victor Rehorst - - NewtonTalk list administrator - Will the last person to leave the platform please turn off the backlight? -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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