From: Frank Gruendel (
Date: Tue Sep 02 2003 - 07:04:37 PDT
Greg said:
> I have several small cards and would donate one or two to the list as
> as my time to be Frank's West Coast USA Hub (Frank would be the
contact, I
> would report to him) In hopes of getting cards to list members quicker
> this area. But Frank, It's your ballgame, so you make the
> a suggestion.
I think this is an excellent idea. It would make things both cheaper
and faster for everybody. But before we start talking about hubs, let's
wait what the donators decide about whether they want the remainder of
fund raising spent that way.
Mark said:
> Just one thing to keep in mind. You will need a full PayPal business
> account and pay fees for credit transactions for this to work. PayPal
> does not allow much to happen on an ongoing basis anymore for free.
I have such an account, this isn't the problem. Since PayPal forbids
passing what they charge on to the buyer, I would probably need to have
a tiny handling fee in order to not lose money with that.
For example, if the cards is 10 bucks and shipping
is 5 bucks, PayPal would charge me 3.9% of 15 bucks plus 30 cents. So
I'd have to introduce a handling fee of one USD to be on the plus side.
Most of you are probably aware that I don't make (nearly) any money with
services I provide, but would all of you out there consider it prudent
I put a PayPal link to the NewtonTalk account on this page? Or would
look too much like begging? Victor, since NewtonTalk is physically your
would you think that's ok?
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