From: Paul Vaughan (
Date: Thu Sep 18 2003 - 02:41:58 PDT
This seems to me like a perfect candidate for
inclusion in the FAQ. I'm not sure if the issue has
been resolved, but it certainly appears that this is
an issue for lots of Newton users.
I will soon have the problem myself when I sell one of
my Newtons. I want to include ethernet connectivity as
a selling point, so I intend to 'brainwipe' the Newt
and then reinstall all the ethernet software.
If I don't have a serial connection to my desktop (and
most Mac users since about 1999 don't), then how do I
do it? It seems from the posts that moving the
necessary software to a card can be tricky.
So, how about making this the first FAQ project under
the new 'dad', so those of us who want to use ethernet
can find how to move the drivers from a desktop or one
Newt to another Newt.
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