From: David M. Ensteness (
Date: Thu Sep 25 2003 - 08:01:04 PDT
Thanks for the response. I did some more playing around. I have
NewtSync set that it should keep the Mac entry if both the Mac and the
Newton entries have been changed, however, it kept the Newton entries
when I used AddressSync, not sure if that is a problem with me [this
was their first sync - does it default to the Newton on the first
one?], with NewtSync, or with the plug-in.
I also noticed that if I have a To-do "test" [in iCal] and I sync
[using the plug-in], it works, but if I sync again I get a second
"test" added to my Newton and so forth, so each time I sync my To-do's
grow even if there aren't any new ones.
When syncing using AddressSync I noticed something else too, I got a
whole bunch of "no name" records dumped into my OS X Address Book, not
sure why.
> be sure MacJournal and the plugin are both pointed at the same data
> file. For a note to go from the Mac to the Newton it must be in a
> journal called "Newton". Also remember that the plugin will only find
> notes that have been modified since the last sync (unless you have
> selected "sync all notes every time" in the settings).
Thanks, I will check that out, it will probably solve my problem.
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