From: Dan (
Date: Thu Apr 22 2004 - 08:12:05 PDT
-----Original Message-----
From: Luiz Petroni <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newton Book or Newton Paperback, which is better
>Hi Dan,
>Do you have any docs with info about the Newton Book frame structure
>that is generated thru BookMaker to be compiled by NTK.
>I've been playing with BookMaker and hacked the code to be able to
>include 16grays images without messing the resource fork of the file or
>crashing NTK but so far no clues about some slots like: book.hints and
>book := {
> version: 2,
> isbn: "bookname:SIG",
> title: "book_title",
> data: {},
> contents: Array(2, NIL),
> styles: [],
> hints: Array(2, NIL), <<<<<<<<< (??)
> browsers: [],
> templates: [],
> rendering: []}; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (??)
Rendering has to do creating books in different screen sizes, and I don't
think it was ever implemented. If the Newton had continued another year
probably Bookmaker would have used the slot to make multi-format books with
a dot-command. As for hints, I suspect it the same, a feature that was
never fully implemented.
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