From: Rod (
Date: Tue Apr 27 2004 - 01:33:36 PDT
On 27/4/04 4:22 PM, "Robert Benschop" <> wrote:
> On 26-apr-04, at 23:34, Allan Ngaparu wrote:
>>> Rich Wrote: among other things..
>>> I feel like this is less of a community than it was 3-4 years ago.
>> Well I wasn't on this list three or four years ago but a better
>> community of
>> technical expertise, help, support and friendship would be hard to find
>> anywhere else.
> As a long time member, I'm pretty sure OT discussion are taking over
> more than they used to, both in frequency and scope.
> As for an example of the aggression, I've been attacked off-list at
> some point that I was the reason somebody was leaving the list.
> Thanks god for the list stats (!) which gave me the chance to point out
> that this didn't make sense at all (I think I was the second top poster
> with 99 messages on a total of 2581 that month) moreover the same
> person is now one of the top posters in off-topic discussions, live is
> ironic ;-)
> Seriously, personal attacks seem to have gotten worse while respect for
> oldies seems to have gone out of the backdoor.
> Seen the fact that Rich probably got the most abuse of any of us at the
> time the list moved from Planet Newton to Victor/Unna I can understand
> that he's more sensitive for it.
> As a whole it might be a reminder for all of us to play nice and at all
> times and to try to keep the OT a bit within reasonable limits.
> Robert Benschop
I agree with you on this Robert, I was a member of the list about 4 years
ago and felt the community element was a lot stronger. If someone posted an
opinion, people respected it. If they didn't agree, they posted a reply
disagreeing, but being polite at the same time.
Sadly, this list is not really any different from other lists. Newsgroups,
I feel, have also suffered a similar fate, where trolls seem to have much
delight in flaming anyone (even long standing members). I can remember
meeting a number of people on soc.penpals way back in 1993, when I used
gopher to retrieve info! I even travelled to the US a fews years later and
met these people. I had a look back at the newsgroup a few weeks back, and
its just inhabited by trolls and spammers. All the decent people seemed to
have left.
In some way the internet is a reflection on society in general!
(My opinion, of course!)
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