Re: [NTLK] About the list (was: [ANN] TON vacation)

From: Allan Ngaparu (
Date: Tue Apr 27 2004 - 04:13:17 PDT

I respect what you guys are saying and I agree with most of it. However I
suspect that there are a lot of decent people on the list who for whatever
reason follow the events and listings without causing any harm to anyone
because they largely remain anonymous and do not post.

These people read there postings at their pleasure and come and go as they
please. We need to distinguish between the large majority of well behaved
participants and the few who are in the minority that enjoy deliberately
upsetting people

Allan Ngaparu
Brisbane Australia

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rod" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] About the list (was: [ANN] TON vacation)

> On 27/4/04 4:22 PM, "Robert Benschop" <> wrote:
> > On 26-apr-04, at 23:34, Allan Ngaparu wrote:
> >>> Rich Wrote: among other things..
> >>> I feel like this is less of a community than it was 3-4 years ago.
> >> Well I wasn't on this list three or four years ago but a better
> >> community of
> >> technical expertise, help, support and friendship would be hard to find
> >> anywhere else.
> >
> > As a long time member, I'm pretty sure OT discussion are taking over
> > more than they used to, both in frequency and scope.
> > As for an example of the aggression, I've been attacked off-list at
> > some point that I was the reason somebody was leaving the list.
> > Thanks god for the list stats (!) which gave me the chance to point out
> > that this didn't make sense at all (I think I was the second top poster
> > with 99 messages on a total of 2581 that month) moreover the same
> > person is now one of the top posters in off-topic discussions, live is
> > ironic ;-)
> >
> > Seriously, personal attacks seem to have gotten worse while respect for
> > oldies seems to have gone out of the backdoor.
> > Seen the fact that Rich probably got the most abuse of any of us at the
> > time the list moved from Planet Newton to Victor/Unna I can understand
> > that he's more sensitive for it.
> >
> > As a whole it might be a reminder for all of us to play nice and at all
> > times and to try to keep the OT a bit within reasonable limits.
> >
> >
> > Robert Benschop
> I agree with you on this Robert, I was a member of the list about 4 years
> ago and felt the community element was a lot stronger. If someone posted
> opinion, people respected it. If they didn't agree, they posted a reply
> disagreeing, but being polite at the same time.
> Sadly, this list is not really any different from other lists.
> I feel, have also suffered a similar fate, where trolls seem to have much
> delight in flaming anyone (even long standing members). I can remember
> meeting a number of people on soc.penpals way back in 1993, when I used
> gopher to retrieve info! I even travelled to the US a fews years later
> met these people. I had a look back at the newsgroup a few weeks back,
> its just inhabited by trolls and spammers. All the decent people seemed
> have left.
> In some way the internet is a reflection on society in general!
> (My opinion, of course!)
> Seeya
> Rod!
> --
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