From: Martin Howard (
Date: Thu Aug 19 2004 - 19:38:43 PDT
I've been playing around with Book Maker 1.1 that comes with the Newton
Developer tools. I attempted to load the pre-made .pkg file for the
Bookmaker Manual that resides in the "Sample Code->Digital Books"
directory, but NCU reported an error, saying that it is not a valid PKG
file (yup -- I had run PkgType on it).
So, I decided to build it from scratch. The source is in Microsoft
Word format, so I import that, see that it looks alright, and export it
as RTF. Open Book Maker 1.1, open the file, click "Do It!" and it
counts 900 something lines and then reports that it couldn't find the
".isbn" or ".title" fields -- which I know are there.
So, I open the file in TextEdit. Hmm. While all the text in the file
that was set in the New York font looks fine, everything else (i.e.,
comments, instructions to Book Maker etc) that was in Monaco is in
I reopen the file in Microsoft Word. It looks OK. I select
everything, copy it, open TextEdit and do paste. Again, everything that
was in Monaco comes out in Wingdings.
I'm a little baffled by this. Anyone know what the hell is going on??
FYI: Both Word and TextEdit are running under OS X, Book Maker is
(obviously) running under Classic (9.2).
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