From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Fri Feb 06 2004 - 19:12:23 PST
I had the same thing happen with an Apple 1710 monitor
that was running just fine for abuu 3+ years now...It
was connected to my wife's HP (with an adapter). It
was given to me by someone who upgraded to a Mac LCD
studio 21. (I gave it to my wife because I don't think
I would have been able to stand staring at the
confounded logo for hours on end...;-)
The monitor started to flicker and make this horrible
buzzing sound then one day last week, it just went
real bright then fuzzy then died...No hi-pitched whine
either...must be the flyback...darn, it was a good
monitor while it lasted...I guess partnered to a
Windows machine for that long took it's toll...
Luckily, I had a spare 15" LCD Compaq sitting in a
junk box that my wife appreciates...(her desk is less
I junked the monitor...Found a 21" replacement for
$150 (a used SUN...) but she likes the she
lost some screen realestate but gained some desk
web/gadget guru
--- Dan <> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laurent Daudelin
> To: NewtonTalk <>
> Date: Friday, February 06, 2004 11:29 AM
> Subject: [NTLK] [OT] Sudden monitor death
> Yesterday evening, all of a sudden, the picture
> shrank toward the middle of
> the screen and was very fuzzy. I could barely see
> what was on the screen,
> much less move the mouse pointer. I tried to switch
> the resolution by
> guessing the location of the display menu in OS X.
> At some point, the picture disappeared completely. I
> forced the computer to
> restart but the picture never came back. I put back
> my Studio Display 17 and
> all was fine. So, the problem is definitely with the
> Studio Display 21.
> So, what are my options? Could I have it repaired
> for a reasonable fee? I
> don't want to spend a lot of money on it because I'm
> afraid it could break
> again. I've read that those problems where the
> monitor seems dead are the
> easier to solve.
> In the event I want to dispose of it, what can I do?
> ---------------------------------------
> Well to me it sounds like your flyback transformer
> went poof. And if that
> is the case, it is time to junk it, unless you know
> someone who is local
> that has the same display with something else wrong
> with it you could steal
> parts from (it would cost way too much for shipping
> I would think, unless
> they are willing to just pull the part and send
> that).
> As for junking it, you need to look around in your
> local area for disposal.
> There are computer recycling centers that would take
> it. Otherwise you will
> have to find some garbage facility that will accept
> it (and probably charge
> you for disposal)
> -Dan
> P.S. I have not owned a Apple monitor, but having
> heard of such problems
> before with monitors in general, I very much doubt
> it is worth fixing.
> Hopefully I am wrong and someone else on the list
> knows of a easier fix.
> --
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