From: Newtopia (
Date: Thu Feb 12 2004 - 10:18:08 PST
Make sure you don't have the physical write protect switch set to
"write-Protect". This would prevent you from deleting...
Paul Curtis - USA/OR
MP 120 v2.0/130/2100
Michigan State Spartans - Go Green! Go White!
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 9:50 AM
Subject: [NTLK] can't delete bad pkg
I have a MP2100, with many Newtonbooks on a 32 meg card. This morning, I
went to delete a book pkg and my Newton froze. I hit the reset button,
internal pkgs loaded, then pkgs on the 32 meg card started to load, then it
hung.. right where the book was i wanted to delete. I restarted with
extensions off in order to delete the offending pkg. (This pkg does not
appear in list view, but there is a blank line instead) it does appear in
icon view, with a big X over it like all the other non-activated pkgs. on
that card. When I try to delete it by scrubbing out, i get the usual dialog
'do you want to delete...' and i say yes of course. then Nothing happens.
When I select the pkg icon, and then select Delete from the routing menu.. i
get a (-10011) error. Is there another way I can delete this pkg and get my
Newt back?
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