From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sun Feb 15 2004 - 22:10:03 PST
Aux environs du 15/02/04 à 23:39 +1300, sous le titre "[NTLK] Error
message mystery", Dave Bellamy prit sa plus belle plume pour écrire
les mots suivants:
>Hi all
>I am at a bit of a loss at the moment. I have been getting a number of odd
>error messages from the Newt over the last few days. These include 'card
>errors', error 48412, and error 1001104. I have checked the archives and on
>the UNNA error database (that appears to be down at the moment) but have
>found no information about what they are.
>Any ideas???
-1001104 is an ATA Support error (-1001xxx) meaning that the card
returned an error (-10011xx) 0x04. The card aborted a command sent by
ATA Support. It may be dying.
I would suggest urgently a full backup and a full test cycle of the
card before restoring what could be saved and using that card again.
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