From: Jon Glass (
Date: Sun Feb 15 2004 - 22:12:30 PST
on 2/15/04 4:55 PM, Robert Benschop at wrote:
> Don't really get your point, don't tell me you'd rather have a PDA with
> the MacOS on it, as much as I like it I would hate it in a PDA.
> As for the ad-on utilities, I don't know any OS that doesn't have these.
> Of course the ideal OS wouldn't need them, but I doubt that that can be
> made, there are always different tastes...
True, and the different tastes is an important part of this! I, for one, do
not like TapBar, but some people swear by it. I also have no interest in
Dashboard, but like Barkeep. :-) I actually have very few enhancements to my
system, but the ones I have, I couldn't live without--yet those same
enhancements would make other people cringe. I consider it a testament to
the Power of the NOS that it is expandable in these ways--and that they can
all be so transparent. The OS can only be the foundation upon which you
build your own system. As such the NOS is ideal. For instance--you don't
like using Notes as your backdrop? Change it! Think the built-in Names
approach is lame? Use something else! Find Assist unnecessary? Well, there
are other packages, like AN or DateMan or MoreInfo, which provide other
shortcuts to much of its functionality... I know that I decided at one point
to dump all my extra stuff, and see if I could live with just a stock
Newton... In the end, I lasted almost two years with that arrangement! I
amazed myself. When I forced myself to use it, I came to like it. I have
slowly allowed myself to add some things back in, but honestly, I use less
"toys" than I used to, and am happy... I have, however, greatly expanded my
Notes functionality, and it seems I use the Notes far more than the rest. I
also use Works a lot as well... Others use the Newtons more for the names
functionality, or internet, yet I use my Names mostly for phone numbers
nowadays... All my serious PIM stuff is in Now Contact and Entourage (and
yes, it's a mess!!!) ;-) Maybe I need to pull it back to my Newton...
Well, I've rambled enough... Yes, the NOS may not be perfect, but I consider
a search for a perfect OS a waste of time... ;-)
-- -Jon Glass Krakow, Poland <> "[D]emocracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths." --James Madison -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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