[NTLK] HWR problems in MoreInfo?

From: Michael Blazer (m.blazer_at_utoronto.ca)
Date: Wed Feb 18 2004 - 19:54:58 PST

I've been trying out MoreInfo and I seem to be having difficulties
entering text with cursive writing. Generally, the accuracy of the
handwriting recognition seems far below what I get everywhere else on
the Newton. I often have to make several attempts entering words,
which is pretty rare in Notes or elsewhere (using the Newton for years
has made my handwriting pretty neat).

I've noticed two specific anomalies:

1) In MoreInfo, HWR seems to start much too soon after I lift the
stylus, before I've had a chance to cross a "t" or dot an "i".
Obviously this results in lots of errors. MI doesn't seem to respect
the Newt's Preferences setting (Handwriting Recognition --> Options -->
Fine Tuning --> Transform my handwriting: immediately / after a delay).

2) Occasionally I'll write a word in a meeting slip and it will simply
evaporate without being recognized. At first I thought they might be
landing in a different field, but I've never found any of these
vanished words. (Where do they go? Maybe five years from now I'll
notice a mysterious new Works document containing my first novel.)

I haven't seen these things happen anywhere other than in MoreInfo.
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, or has any suggestions.
  It looks like a very useful app, but these problems are slowing me
down a lot.

Also, since I take my Newton to meetings all the time, people are
always watching me use it -- and I don't want them thinking that
Doonesbury was right ;-)


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