Re: [NTLK] [NTLK][OT] macworld 04 pix

From: Rick Ludwig (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 18:01:03 PST

I agree that this year was pretty lame.
1) iPod mini for $50 less than the 15 gig?? They could have stormed the
market with $199 mini iPods.
2) iPhoto and iMovie are no longer free??? Steve, you are just trying
to squeeze $$ out of loyal Apple fans' pockets. Yes Garage Band is
great, but I kinda thought this is why I'm shelling out $100 a year for
.Mac. What's next? Quicktime for $15 and Quicktime Pro for $49?

The ONLY good thing to come out of Expo was Final Cut Express 2 and G5
Xserves. A truly disappointing Expo indeed. This HP thing just makes it
worse (Apple is scraping pretty close to the bottom of the barrel with
HP. The only thing below HP is Gateway.).

I have to disagree about last year though. Last year gave us 12" and
17" Powerbooks and Final Cut Express.


On Jan 8, 2004, at 4:46 PM, Sushi wrote:

>> On 1/8/04 @ 11:57 PM, Nathan Turnage wrote:
>> Was that not the lamest Macworld keynote ever?! It was worse than last
>> year.

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