From: Dan (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2004 - 10:59:15 PST
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Barber <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, January 16, 2004 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] How to secure data? (was Re: Newton Geek Factor)
>I was thinking of both, maybeperhapsalittlebit. Securing stuff so I can get
>it again if my MP goes astray, and also securing it from abuse and
>illegitimate access.
>I understand that there are some packages that offer various security
>measures, but not all are secure, and not all safe to use. Plus I'd hate to
>hafta log in every time I wake Newtie from sleep, that's really impair the
>experience when I use it for reading ebooks. Or would you want to log in to
>a book for every other chapter? I want to turn the box on, and presto,
>there goes. I'd suffer a log-in after a reboot, but not on turning on.
>Still I want my data secured.
>So how do y'all handle this on your Newtons? What features do any of the
>security measures you employ offer?
Well there is a app called timelock which I think would allow you to set a
time to lock the newt but before that you can turn it on as many times as
needed without having to enter a password.
I seem to remember a app I saw somwhere that could encrypt soups. So very
sensitive data you could encrypt, then decrypt it when needed, even if the
original app that created the soup did not support encryption.
The built in PIN feature is a good start, but there are ways around that.
So the best method is still encryption. One thing about the PIN feature,
with so many people not even knowing what a Newton is, or how to use it, I
doubt they would know how to get past the PIN. So unless they already had
one, the only thing they could do with it is wipe your data (IF they
figgured out how to do that....removing the batteries won't do it in a 2000,
but they probably would figgure out how to remove all the batteries in a
earlier model and wipe it that way). But probably your data would be safe
from unauthorized use, however to be 100% safe, use encryption.
BTW-does anyone know how strong the encryption is with SuperNotepad? I am
sure TheFish would be better, but would SuperNotepad it be "good enough"?
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