From: Alan Davis (
Date: Sun Jan 18 2004 - 05:39:54 PST
I asked Adam Tow in an E-mail if it was okay if I post this to the
NewtonTalk list, but never got a reply. That is a more public forum than
this so I am making an assumption that he will not mind.
Do you mind if I also post this on the NewtonTalk List. I had bee
looking for this for some time, but use the list more frequently than I
use usenet nowadays. Thanks in advance!
In article <>, (no.spam.) wrote:
December 30, 2003
Toad Hollow Software Co. is pleased to announce the general release of
H O L I D A Y S 2 0 0 4
Holidays2004 is a NewtonOS 2.0 freeware utility that adds over one hundred
U.S. civil, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, and just plain fun holidays to the
Newton datebook. These holidays are entered in the datebook just as if
you added them in the usual way, so after adding them, this package can
safely be removed from your Newton.
This freeware package is available on Toad Hollow's web page
located at:
This package will also be available shortly at your favorite Newton
shareware/freeware site.
Please note that all Islamic dates are approximate since they are based
on predicted lunar observations. As is the custom on civil calendars,
all Jewish holidays are shown on the appropriate day even though they
begin at sundown on the previous day.
If users decide that they don't need all these holidays, they can
simply search for the string "2004" in Dates and delete the holidays
they do not need since every holiday has "2004" in it name. It may take
a minute or two on older Newtons to add all the holidays, so a small
progress bar is displayed.
If you use a European locale setting supplied by a someone other than
Apple, you may experience problems using this package; the fix is to
temporarily set your locale back to any Apple supplied locale original
to your Newton and run the program. You can then change back to your
third-party locale without further problems. Third-party locales often
do not include the full range of locale information that is required by
this package in order to parse and use the local date format.
Toad Hollow's other Newton applications are also available on our web
Brian K. Ogilvie
Toad Hollow Software Co.
-- -- Alan Davis <> Remove SPAMMENOT. before replying -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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