From: David M. Ensteness (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 09:32:05 PST
Understood. Although I would guess that [while its up to Frank and the
rest of this is basically academic] many here would still see
advertising the CD/Link as part of the reason to buy the package as
poor. If Gary wanted to do Newton users a favor he would just include
the link without using it as marketing to further his sales. Mentioning
it as a sideline as one thing, using it as a selling point is what I
think many do not like. That's just my opinion.
> Okay. Whoa there everyone. It's getting kinda hot in this thread
> already.
> I called this "despicable and low", because according to my reading of
> the
> auction, the information was part of the package - ie. being paid for.
> Gary fired back to say that he wasn't doing anything wrong, and that
> he was
> giving out the links for free to people in order to help Newton users.
> Which, hey, sounds pretty darn spiffy to me.
> Except that the wording of the auction doesn't sound to me like this
> is a
> free bonus - the word free isn't anywhere in the listing at all. It
> honestly
> sounded to me that if I put down my $25 for this auction, part of that
> payment INCLUDES said links.
> Gary, maybe you can just tweak your auction description(s) to make
> this a
> little clearer? I would say something like:
> "PLUS - AS A FREE BONUS we will give you our own verified list of
> Newton
> links, which includes maintenance instructions such as: [list of
> stuff]"
> I am not Frank, so I don't know what he thinks of this. It would be a
> shame
> if a simple misunderstanding resulted in a flamewar of e-mail.
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