From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Fri Jan 30 2004 - 16:04:56 PST
Aux environs du 31/01/04 ā 1:52 +0200, sous le titre "Re: [NTLK]
Connector J6 Pin Description", Eckhart Köppen prit sa plus belle
plume pour écrire les mots suivants:
>On 31. Jan 2004, at 01:21, Paul Guyot wrote:
>> No idea. I guess it's a limitation of the Voyager chipset.
>Interesting... where did you stumble across this limitation?
I talk to my Newton and with its speech recognition module, it gives
me answers. However, it couldn't tell me what the pinout of the
connector was, and it seems to be quite in bad mood tonight.
>I just
>played around with some sample code and it lets me happily instantiate
>endpoints on locations "tblt" and "mdem" (channel 2 and 3?) with up to
It doesn't mean it will work, unfortunately.
I don't know about tblt. It may be channel 2 indeed (mdem definitely
is channel 3). The DMA subsystem channels are first for channel 0,
then I/R (one channel only), Audio, tablet and modem. But the tablet
is a totally different device, it's not handled by the SCC (like
audio). I guess we'll have to dig into the code to make sure that
tblt indeed is for channel 2.
>One problem is that the modules are preconfigured to talk at
>115.2kbps... there might be some way around that, but 38.4kbps is not
>that great as a maximum speed either. So if indeed only channel 0 can
>go that fast, I'd have to get access to that channel on the CMOS level
>- somewhere before the LTC1323. As it seems, J6 comes after the line
>driver and is therefore not usable in this case.
Are you sure the J6 is after the line driver? I thought the line
driver was between the J6 and the interconnect port, i.e. that
everything on the J6 was at CMOS level. This is what my Newton told
me, actually.
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