From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sun Jul 04 2004 - 13:23:49 PDT
Aux environs du 3/07/04 à 10:10 -0400, sous le titre "Re: [NTLK] GPS
and maps on the Newton", Dan prit sa plus belle plume pour écrire les
mots suivants:
>According to Paul, Hiroshi's driver is basied on a API that can't
>handle 3v, so he was limited on what he could do. Perhaps he found a way
>around that problem (and perhaps he just rewrote the entire driver at the
>system level). Perhaps Paul can chime in to confrim this.
Actually, I think that the APIs can handle 3v. It's just that Hiroshi
didn't handle it until latest beta.
And no, he very probably hasn't rewritten it at the system leve.
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