From: Vincent Juliano (
Date: Sat Jul 10 2004 - 13:14:57 PDT
Hi i am new to the newton. I recently bought a newton 2100 off ebay.
I have just a few questions
1. How do i turn the newton off? I am going to travel for a few
days and am not taking the newton with me. Don't want it to go to
sleep. I want to turn it off like you would turn a computer off.
2.Is there any routine matinence i need to do? Like on a mac thety
recoment that you zap the pram and rebuild the desktop once a month.
3.Can i zap the pram on a newton
4.Can i restart the newton with out pressing the reset swithch?
5.Should i restart the newton every now and then like you should do
on a regualr computer? do most people fix common problems with the newton? Like on a
mac the first thing a person will tell you to to is zap the pram and
rebuild the desktop.
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