Re: [NTLK] newton questions

From: Dan (
Date: Sat Jul 10 2004 - 17:25:04 PDT

>There's also an intermediate step - I *think* called a hard reset -
>where one takes out the batteries and unhooks any chargers from the
>newton for at least 20 minutes. This undoes a small bit of memory
>somewhat like the pram on a mac desktop. The way to tell if it worked
>is when you do power up the newton it will ask you to re-calibrate the
>pen input. Pen input, I'm guessing contrast / volume and a couple other
>things get reset this way. It's not necessary to do this on any sort of
>regular basis, but I have heard of some weird recurring problems being
>cleared up in this manner.

Ok if you want to totally erase any user data, packages and settings what
you do is called a "hard reset" or a "brain wipe" This cannot delete
anything that is in ROM of course like the built-in apps such as Dates,
Names, Calls, etc. How you do this is to press the reset button on the
back, then hold down the power switch. When the Newton turns on you will
get a prompt "Do you want to erase all information?" then a confirmation
"Do you really want to do this?". After you do this, it will erase
EVERYTHING that was stored on the internal Flash RAM.

As for removing all power, this is not needed for a "hard reset". And
actually won't do anything as all data is stored in Flash RAM and does not
need power to have data retained. Now with the older 1x0 models, removing
all power (backup battery, main batteries, and no adapter plugged in) for
several hours to a day will do a "hard reset" aka "brain wipe" as they used
SRAM for storage. But this is also not needed as the same procedure will do
"hard reset" (press the reset button, while holding down the power switch).

But be warned, DO NOT do a "hard reset" with a card in the PC card slot!
This can damage the card.

Also a "hard reset" is needed very infrequently. Only if you have problems
and nothing else has worked is a "hard reset" done.


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