Date: Fri Jul 16 2004 - 08:36:11 PDT
Hello techies:
I seem to have had problems with one of my Fax/Modems, but I'm not out of the
woods yet! I WAS using a Xircom Credit Card Modem (33.6). This modem worked
great for sending faxes, but apparently, it wasn't able to dial in
"modem-mode". I found this out by trying an older modem card I had (Mobile Plus
cellular V.34 data/Fax/Modem), which has a whopping 28.8/14.4 kbps.
I'm trying to get my Newt online with the "Courier" Internet browser
application. The Mobile Plus Cellular modem is able to dial up my Earthlink local
access number. However, it "hangs" at the point where it checks my login
information. It says something like, "Logging in… Waiting for: ln". Then, nothing
After it times out, I sometimes get a box that says, "Sorry. A problem has
occurred. (-48204)"
When I close the "Courier" program, I get an Internet Setup message box on
the screen that says, "Initializing…" but it never seems to do anything after
that. After attempting to log on once with "Courier", I have to perform a soft
reset before I can attempt to dial up again.
Some questions for the learned members of the Community:
1. I am using the Earthlink instructions for the Newton:
Newton's IP Address as Dynamic
Gateway IP Address as Dynamic
Name Server IP Address as
Should I be listing a different IP Address? Would this be something that
Earthlink assigned to my account when I initially signed up? I can't remember,
but it seems like I should be listing my personal IP Address that Earthlink may
have assigned to my account. I could have accidentally deleted the IP info I
originally had entered. If I need a different IP Address, how do I go about
finding out what that address is?
2. On the next page of the Internet Setup dialogue box, it says, "Wait for:"
Should I enter "In" as in "Indian" or, should I enter "ln" as in "little
3. WHY is the Internet and e-mail setup for the Newton such a pain in the
I look forward to some enlightenment on these puzzling and irritating issues.
Thank you.
Matt K.
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