From: Anil (
Date: Thu Mar 11 2004 - 16:44:15 PST
Hi Ikem, WOW.....
I have "only" owned 5 Newton's in my 4 months as a "user". A 2000,
three 2100's and a 130.
But I have sold three of them and have only got the 130 and one of the
2100's which was brand new, from a very pleasant ex Apple employee in
Australia, had it sitting in the bottom of a cupboard unused!! Can you
believe it?
I am using OS X Panther, and I don't have any problem syncing using
Ethernet or even a Wi-Fi connection. What woes are you experiencing?
I am thinking about Bluetooth, and using it with my mobile (SE T610)
phone when I am out and about.
What is your Bluetooth set-up, phone, Bluetooth card etc.
Kindest regards
Anil K Solanki
United Kingdom, MP 2100
On Mar 11, 2004, at 23:53, Ikem Nzeribe wrote:
> Hi Anil,
> I have a common story, I guess. I rocked a brand-new colour Palm, fresh
> from the plant, when I walked into my local Mac dealer one day. I saw
> him twirling an old-school PDA. "It's a Newton," he said. A 130. When
> he demoed the handwriting recognition, my eyeballs nearly popped out of
> my skull!
> "What, they can *do* that..?" I thought it must be some kind of
> future-technology, and when I was told it was old, I could hardly
> beleive it. This is from a guy who bent his own writing out of shape by
> using Graffitti. So I bought it as a toy. And after a while, I began
> using my very expensive Palm less... and less. And then I sold my
> "cutting-edge" Palm, which had been practically relegated to junk
> status.
> I'm a 2100 user now. I own, maybe 7 Newtons: a 2000, & 5 130s. I use it
> for practically everything, although I have suffered sycing woes since
> ditching OS 9, so I gotta do the Keyspan-serial thing, since I know
> there are ethernet issues with Panther/Newton.
> I wanna rock a Bluetooth/Blunt Newton, and run IRC/IM/Web whilst in
> transit. *This* is handheld computing. If y'all haven't embraced the
> Blunt concept & how it extends the Newton, y'all better get on board
> ;-)
> Ikem.
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