From: David Neale (
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 12:49:44 PDT
Thank you, Eric, for this response.
I'm not worried about importing/exporting stacks directly and if the
case should arrive where I wanted to exchange data, that could be done
easily enough with a SuperCard script and, presumably a NewtCard
script. Am I wrong in thinking that NS Basic, or at least a subset, is
incorporated into NewtCard? That's what I understand from the FAQs at
the nsbasic site. From what you write, I take it that this is
consideraby less powerful then NS Basic itself -- is that so?
On Monday, May 3, 2004, at 19:40 Europe/Brussels, wrote:
> Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 09:18:06 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Eric Engle <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] NewtCard
> It doesn't use hypertalk; you can't import stacks from hypercard; you
> can't
> import newtcard stacks to hypercard (well, not unless you write your
> own export
> utility). Frankly I was disappointed. They have a free demo so you can
> avoid
> wasting your money. And btw I love hypercard this is not the answer I
> want to
> give you.
> You'd be better buying NS Basic: it has a visual gui and is a mix of
> basic
> (for all the basic stuff) and newtscript (for the gui elements). Plus
> you can
> buy NS Basic in a package deal to get a cheaper rate on NS basic for
> palm and
> wince.
> Sorry, I wish the news were better. <ot plug: try revolution or
> metacard)
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