From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Wed May 05 2004 - 01:11:24 PDT
Sorry Andrei, that is not logic.
There are two types of jacks: with switch (bypass) and w/o.
So the pure mono jack w/o switch needs TWO contacts only.
If there is a bypass switch they typically have one more contact -> 3 in
It might well be that the jack comes with an even number of contact pins,
but then two of them are connected.
Thus the pure stereo jack w/o switch needs THREE contacts.
Equipped with a switch there need to be TWO more contacts minimum -> 5 in
Again, it might well be that the jack comes with an even number of contact
pins, but then two of them are connected.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Andrei Chichak
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 5:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Adding a headphone jack to the Newton>
> > >> No mono normally would only have 2 one for ground and one for
> > >> signal....
> > >>
> > > 3 - 1 for ground, 1 for signal, 1 for bypass.
> > >
> >Right, but that is the PCB connector not the jack....
> Okey dokey, time for a lesson in electronics nomenclature.
> The thingie on the end of the headphone wire is a PLUG. The thingie that
> the plug plugs into is a JACK.
> A mono plug has two conductors, the TIP and the SLEEVE. A stereo plug has
> three conductors, the tip, the RING, and the sleeve.
> A mono jack will have 3 conductors as stated above. A stereo jack
> will have
> 4 conductors.
> A jack will typically be used for the source of a signal. A plug will
> typically be used for the sink of a signal.
> Andrei
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