From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 00:09:00 PDT
>From: Sonya Hipper <>
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] [OT] AVIBD MATRIX - Adult Newton Software
>Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 15:43:35 -0700
>Actually, as a "lady" on the list, I care VERY much, but disagree with
>you completely. There's nothing "wrong" (or immoral or indecent) with
>the human form or with sexual feelings. I'd sooner show any
>hypothetical child of mine the most hardcore pornography than any of
>the "Rambo" movies.
Huh, I wouldn't know about either - actual sexual acts are often difficult
to comprehend to uninvolved third parties.
Anyhow, talking about Rambo - I watched the second one in Texas when it
came out. Boy, was that explicit - not so much the movie, that was just the
usual gunning-down-the-baddies,-who's-a-baddie?-If
he-still-moves-he's-a-baddie-stuff they like to produce so much. But true
to the era's video game console spirit, the audience more or less ranked
the performance, as in: If it's a yellow commie, it's 100 pts., if it's a
white commie, it's 500 pts. - at least that must have been what has been
going on according to the open and enthusiastic cheering. It was like
everybody was just watching sort of a Commie-PacMan competition, and not
extreme violence.
I found this very interesting on an anthropological level.
>'Sides...I like looking @ naked women, too. ;-)
And then there's somewhere the Newtonian who says on her website she likes
fixing cars and appreciates women's breast (not neccessarily in that
order). Which doesn't establish a pattern, of course, but obviously there's
all sorts around.
And to finally come back to the original topic: Maybe those enthusiastic
backdroppers could produce some nice and tasteful faith-based erotic
content, so everybody is happy. How about it?
Yours in Newton,
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