From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 06:06:30 PDT
Aux environs du 5/05/04 à 17:59 -0500, sous le titre "[NTLK] How do
you program the overview arrows?", Jack Burks prit sa plus belle
plume pour écrire les mots suivants:
>Can the Newton users help one of their own,
>I'm working hard over here trying to come up with the next big thing for the
>Apple Newton, but I can't seem to find a way to handle the Overview buttons
>(overview, up, and down arrows) thru NTK. What I have is a protoDatePicker
>that I'd like the arrows to move forward and backward through the dates, and
>the overview to have a new box open that alerts the user to specific dates.
>Is this possible even though it's not a newtApp? Any help would be
>appreciated, I'd like to release this latest piece of software very soon but
>not until I feel like I've put all my ideas into it.
When these three buttons are pressed, the viewOverviewScript,
viewScrollUpScript and viewScrollDownScript methods of the frontmost
view with the vApplication flag set are called.
You just need to set the flag and implement the methods.
All that is probably described in the Views chapters of the NPG & the NPR.
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