From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Fri May 07 2004 - 06:00:20 PDT
Zachery Bir wrote:
>> The chips you shown in those pictures are the DRAM chips, as you
>>correctly labeled. The problem you're having is related to the FLASH
>>U19 and U16, they're marked as SHARP LH28F016SUT-10.
> I've added three photos of those two chips. U16 has something bridging
> some of the contacts. You can see it a little bit in the last photo, if
> a little blurry. Other than that, they are far more pristine looking
> than under the ROM board.
Whoa! If all those pins are really bridged and that's just not glare, yeah,
that would be a problem. Luckily (sorta) the Newton is smart enough to not
use that chip as I would expect it is not passing basic tests on bootup.
I don't see how anyone could have gotten that all covered in solder... is it
loose debris? Maybe you could take a thin X-Acto knife and *carefully* cut
between the pins - trying not to dig into the PCB underneath. YMMV, Standard
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-- Victor Rehorst - - NewtonTalk list administrator - Will the last person to leave the platform please turn off the backlight? -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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