From: Zachery Bir (
Date: Fri May 07 2004 - 06:13:43 PDT
On May 7, 2004, at 9:00 AM, Victor Rehorst wrote:
> Whoa! If all those pins are really bridged and that's just not glare,
> yeah,
> that would be a problem. Luckily (sorta) the Newton is smart enough
> to not
> use that chip as I would expect it is not passing basic tests on
> bootup.
That makes me feel a little hopeful about the situation.
> I don't see how anyone could have gotten that all covered in solder...
> is it
> loose debris?
It *looks* to be similar to the kind of corrosive dust you get on car
battery terminals. I'm not saying it is, but it certainly looks that
way. It's definitely not solder.
> Maybe you could take a thin X-Acto knife and *carefully* cut
> between the pins - trying not to dig into the PCB underneath. YMMV,
> Standard
> Disclaimer applies, etc.
I'll try cleaning it with some isopropyl alcohol first, resorting to
something like an X-acto knife afterwards.
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