Re: [NTLK] 3.3v Cards - 2100 okay?

From: Humphreys, David (
Date: Fri May 07 2004 - 11:40:59 PDT

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Isenbarger []
> Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 2:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] 3.3v Cards - 2100 okay?
> hello list:
> i'm a new lister and have been researching options for
> purchasing extra
> RAM cards for my newton. am i correct in seeing that the ATA support
> patch costs 50 EUR (~50 USD) to register?! i suppose i won't
> be going
> that route. . .
> when i have any software that will be helpful to the newton
> community,
> it will be available for free. always.
> cheers,
> Tom Isenbarger

Welcome to the list Tom.

You are correct that the ATA registration is 50 Euro. This is fair
considering the amount of effort Paul has expended to make this happen.

It is wonderful that you are so altruistic regarding your own software

However, your tone suggests that to make a profit from it is just wrong. It
sounds like an admonishment to Paul or anyone else charging for a software
on this platform.

Did I read this right?

Emails have a habit on not conveying the right emotion or sentiment so if I
have mischaracterized this - my apologies.



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