Re: [NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:
From: Dan (
Date: Wed May 12 2004 - 13:10:19 PDT
- Next message: DJ Vollkasko: "Re: [NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:"
- Previous message: Zachery Bir: "[NTLK] GPRS setup with BT and T-Mobile"
- Maybe in reply to: DJ Vollkasko: "[NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:"
- Next in thread: Brian Pearce: "Re: [NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:"
- Reply: Brian Pearce: "Re: [NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:"
- Reply: Victor Rehorst: "Re: [NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:"
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>I've sent a posting to NTLK and I get some Brazilian spam warning stuff
>, please adjust your spam filter so it doesn't count mails
>from as spam - or unsubscribe at
>, if you don't want them anymore.
I have been getting the same thing, quite annoying to say the least. The
problem with challenge/response systems is that you can easily annoy people
who you are trying to email you. And the problem compounds with mail lists
as you can see.
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- Next message: DJ Vollkasko: "Re: [NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:"
- Previous message: Zachery Bir: "[NTLK] GPRS setup with BT and T-Mobile"
- Maybe in reply to: DJ Vollkasko: "[NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:"
- Next in thread: Brian Pearce: "Re: [NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:"
- Reply: Brian Pearce: "Re: [NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:"
- Reply: Victor Rehorst: "Re: [NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:"
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