Re: [NTLK] - pls. adjust your Spam-filter! Fwd: RE:OSX connection, Wiki, Newton Battery Rebuilders (was Re:

From: Brian Pearce (
Date: Wed May 12 2004 - 14:11:48 PDT

> I have been getting the same thing, quite annoying to say the least.
> The
> problem with challenge/response systems is that you can easily annoy
> people
> who you are trying to email you. And the problem compounds with mail
> lists
> as you can see.

I think it's a simple enough matter to filter this stuff out after the
first message, or just ignore it. What irritates me more (and don't
take this personally, Dan, it isn't directed at you) are the messages
where people *complain* about receiving those messages, particularly
those of the pointless "What an idiot this guy is!" variety. Those are
difficult to spot without having to read them.


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