Re: [NTLK] Nitro an T39m connects to the Internet

From: Christian Armbruster (
Date: Thu May 13 2004 - 14:37:49 PDT

Hi Giovani
Am 13.05.2004 um 23:30 schrieb noiseiskinky:

> Hi christian, hi all
> I'm in italy and I'm trying to configure my MP2100 to connect to
> internet using my SE z600. I'm not able at moment to use blunt because
> I've not a BT card and I want to use Nitro and connect via IR.
> What I need to know is how you've configured your Newton and how have
> you pointed to the IR interface when you've created internet
> configuration: choose Serial port is enough?

1. Get Nitro 1.1 and all packages and install them on the Newton
2. Go to "Internet Setup" in the Extras drawer
3. Create a new "Generic" Setup
4. Use "Seriel" as connection
5. Fill in the data, as you would do with a landline connection
6. In the Loginscript, the first thing you must do is telling the
Newton which number or sequence it must send to the phone to initiate
the connection. I use a dialup GSM number for my local german provider
which is 22214. So the first command in the login script is SEND
ATDT22214 followed by a SEND (RETURN SYMBOL)

Christian Armbruster

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