From: Joel Pigdon (
Date: Thu May 13 2004 - 17:24:16 PDT
Hi, I have been beginning to think about using the newton to view
lecture notes for my university course. The majority of them are posted
onto the internet in PDF format and its up to you to print them out and
bring them. I have got a script which resizes, rotates and changes the
contrast of the slides which I then make into a newton book, which I
then put on my linux box to transfer as my PowerBook has no serial
port. This works really well except that the majority of notes I have
to write some information in. Fortunately the newtonbook software
allows me to sketch on the notes. But I would like to get these off the
newton and store them on the computer. Here are the options that I
think I have available to me.
1) newtonbook can print, unfortunately I dont have a printer, Is it
remotely possible to turn my linux box into an emulated printer so the
newton thinks it has a StyleWriter or LaserWriter connected to it. The
linux box would then produce a raster tiff image or something like
that. Has anyone heard of such a concept, I must admit It sounds
slightly absurd but someone else ight have had another use for it.
2)the newton must store the sketch data somewhere, is it in the book
soup itself or somewhere else all together. Does anyone have a clue as
to where the data is stored or in what form and can it be easily read
and reencoded as a bitmap
Well Im all out of ideas, if you can assist please reply or post to the
group, I imagine people could find all sorts of uses for something like
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