From: Eric Engle (engleerica_at_yahoo.com)
Date: Sat May 15 2004 - 09:49:39 PDT

What if there were a rule that for EACH OT posting you make you have to make 1
freeware newton book (your choice)? You could even, gasp, make a newton book
about the very topic of your rant! (but you can't make your OT post be the very
subject of your newton book - that's just too coy).

Maybe even allow several off topic posts for people who create useful newton
freeware packages?

I mean, I have resisted mightily a primordial urge to post on a certain
nameless thread. Maybe this rule would do some good?

What do you think? This seems both fair and a good way to encourage the
creation of more newton software.

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