From: Thomas Isenbarger (
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 09:01:19 PDT
I am trying to update (import for the first time actually) iCal
information into Dates on the Newton. I have published my calendar
from my laptop to my .mac account. Within IC/VC I can connect to my
.mac account and download the data; but, while IC/VC is trying to put
away the data, a box pops up with the -48418 error. I can dismiss the
box, but the IC/VC box stays on the screen and IC/VC is hung. I have
had to reboot from Avi's backdrop to recover from this.
can anyone help me get my iCal information into Dates on my Newton?
Also, regarding my InOut box and Mail V:
is there a way to "check all" in InOut box? I think I remember there
being something to install to enable this functionality.
Also, does the new mail sound for Mail V work for anyone? It doesn't
for me and I don't know why.
Is there a better mail program to use than Mail V (is the old
SimpleMail better?). Eudora? Others?
I have not gotten any responses to my questions regarding connecting
from my Newton to my Laptop with AirPort (without a base station) for
installing packages, controlling with NewtVNC, accessing the Laptop web
pages, etc. Maybe some of you have posted about this, but I need some
more detailed step-by-step intructions from someone who has been
successful. The laptop is a Powerbook G3 (Pismo) running OS X 10.3.3
and the Newton is an MP2100.
Tom Isenbarger
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